New Clients

Welcome to Peak Performance Institute! 
We are delighted that you are considering our practice for your professional services. 
Please call 512-347-8100 to schedule your initial appointment.

Orientation Appointment:

Your very first visit to the office is designed to introduce you to the office staff, meet with the office manager and become familiar with office procedures. This first "get acquainted" meeting usually lasts about one hour and is offered to you at no cost. During this time you will review the standard office policies, be given a tour of our facility and discuss the auxiliary services such as the peak performance training, the bookstore, and the educational video services which are available to you while you are a client in the practice.

You will receive a packet of information which helps you understand the nature of services we provide, the manner in which appointments are made and the fees for professional services. You will also be asked to complete a confidential questionnaire in order to clearly state your concerns and your particular reasons for seeking therapy services.

During this orientation visit you are encouraged to ask any procedural questions you might have. We will be happy to answer them for you and encourage you to jot down any additional questions you may have for your therapist.

Initial Consultation Appointment:   

Your first session with a therapist will consist of obtaining detailed information about the situation which brings you to seek therapy. This session is designed to help the therapist get a clear picture of the circumstances surrounding the problems for which you seek relief. This session lasts approximately 45 minutes and is charged at our standard professional rate for clinical diagnostic appointments, $235.

As you begin to gain in personal perspective you may start to develop new attitudes which will then lead to behavioral changes. Often it is possible to view the current symptoms or problems as merely dysfunctional coping mechanisms rather than random consequences. Once understood as such, it is possible to find more constructive alternatives. If appropriate, you will be given homework assignments to work on between appointments and your therapist may recommend reading material or audio and video tapes.

Throughout this process, we welcome your feedback in our work together. The therapists in this practice view the therapeutic process as a collaboration in which your progress and reaction to all aspects of your therapy are extremely important to us. Your feedback, whether positive or negative, will help us do our jobs better.


The relationship between you and your therapist is strictly confidential. and all aspects of your experience in this office are considered privileged. Our therapists and staff will treat your privacy and anonymity with the utmost respect. Only with your duly authorized written consent would any information about you be released to any other individual other than yourself, and then, only with your express direction and instruction.


Our office hours are 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Monday through Friday, with occasional Saturday hours from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. We have staff available during these hours to facilitate communication and schedule appointments as necessary. If a scheduled appointment must be changed or cancelled, please contact the office
 at least 48 hours in advance. 
Since the time has been reserved for you, you will be charged the full regular fee for missed appointments that are not canceled at least two business days prior to the scheduled time.


All fees are payable at the time of service. Please feels free to contact the office with any questions you might have about fees. Alternative financial arrangements, including sliding scale and pro bono services, may be available to those who qualify. We do not currently accept insurance, but we will assist you with insurance verification and provide you with all the information necessary to file with your insurance provider for reimbursement.

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