Peak Performance Assessments range from academic screening, psychological and neuropsychological evaluations to career testing, marital and parent evaluations as well as organizational assessments.
We customize each evaluation battery selecting state-of-the arts assessment instruments to provide reports that are efficient, affordable and helpful for our clients.
Clinical Assessments:
Clinical Assessments guide intake and treatment decisions by providing an integrated picture of personality characteristics, intellectual functioning, academic achievement as well as clinical symptoms.
For over three decades, the Peak Performance Institute has been recognized as a leader in psychological and neuropsychological testing. We believe in empowering our clients with information and rely on a therapeutic assessment process that involves collaboration between the clinician and the client. We provide a wide-array of evaluations including the following:
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Evaluations (ADHD and ADD determination)
Academic Testing for IQ, Gifted & Talented, Learning Disorders & Behavior Disorders
Psychological Evaluations for mood & thought disorders, & stress-related problems
Neuropsychological Evaluations to assess for cognitive functioning, developmental & emotional disorders
Addiction Evaluations
Peak Performance Profiles including: the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator, Strong Interest Inventory, QEEG Brain Map, Personality tests
Career Interest Inventories
Aptitude Testing
The Leadership Report
The Entrepreneur Report
TCLEOSE Testing for police officers, security guards and fire fighters
FAA Testing for impaired professionals
Evaluations for Adoption Agencies and surrogate parenting agencies
Forensic Evaluations and Expert Witness Services
Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) Testing for disability determination, learning disorders and other cognitive or emotional problems.
While all of our evaluations are customized to meet the needs of our clients, the findings and recommendations are presented in a manner which highlights the clients' relative strengths and strongest interests as well as pinpointing areas that require treatment. We find that, regardless of the presenting problem or situation that demands information in the form of a psychological or neuropsycholgical evalaution, this emphasis on highlighting specific strengths and interpersonal styles provides our clients with roadmaps for greater success in their life, whether socially, academically, emotinally or in sports.
Any of our evaluations may be augmented by the Brain Map or Quantitative Electroencephalogram Analysis Report to provide the client with state-of-the-art neurophysiological information regarding the functioning of their brain. The QEEG serves as a blueprint for training and is often the diagnostic springboard from which they design for themselves a program of Peak Performance Training, incorporating brain wave training into traditional psychotherapies or coaching modalities.
We provide forensic services for our clients and our psychological and neuropsychological evaluations are often requested by attorneys to support our clients by providing the most accurate and up-to-date information possible for court-related matters.
We provide on-site evaluations for the school system, often traveling to elementary and secondary schools to assess for mental retardation, learning disorders and gifted and talented. Our evaluations are recognized by public and private schools alike and serve as the foundation for academic accommodations mandated by Public Law 94-142. Our recommendations for accommodations help students obtain extra time on tests and appropriate teaching delivery systems to accommodate for their specific learning styles and any physical, emotional or psychological limitations that may exist.
Always, we collaborate with our clients and include our clients in every stage of the evaluation process. We design our test batteries with the client's input and provide the client with ample information about the proposed testing's nature, purpose, and cost before the evaluation begins. We ensure client empowerment by including the client as the process moves from conceptualization to completion. It is key to the success and effectiveness of therapy or coaching that the client be involved in all aspects of his or her evaluation and that the client comprehend fully both the nature and the meaning of the tests and their findings and how both relate to the initial questions and therapy goals.
Peak Performance Profile:
Leading professionals and companies rely on PPI's assessments and support materials to help them manage common workforce development applications-team building, career exploration, conflict management, leadership and coaching, selection, staff retention, and so on. Using a combination of industry-leading assessment instruments, trainers, coaches, and HR professionals can tailor training and development solutions to meet the specific needs of their workforce. Some clients need extra help with train-the-trainer sessions, implementation of assessment technology, and organizational research. These clients benefit from combining the strength and reliability of our assessments with the skills and experience of our Professional Services team.