Neurotherapy enjoys a considerable level of appeal in part due to the fact that it provides highly effective treatment without medication. In some instances, however, patients may begin Neurotherapy while under the care of a physician who is treating the symptoms with medication. Frequently these patients are able to gradually taper off and even discontinue their medications after beginning the Neurotherapy program.
At the Peak Performance Institute, we use the term "Neurotherapy" to signify the comprehensive approach which calls upon EEG Neurofeedback techniques as well as traditional psychological therapies to treat a wide range of disorders. We believe strongly in the importance of an accurate diagnosis to a successful intervention. Before beginning treatment, a comprehensive battery of Psychological and Neuropsychological evaluations is administered to provide this necessary information. We also value greatly our relationships with other professionals such as pediatricians, family physicians, and psychiatrists. We carefully coordinate our intervention with the patient's treating physician, coordinating every aspect of the program in order to deliver to the patient the best possible care.