Physical health is affected by the things that people do, by the way they process information, their career choice, family dynamics, life troubles, and the environment in which they live.
Health psychology focuses on how illness and health are the result of a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors. Biological determinants consist of genetic conditions and inherited personality traits. Psychological factors are anxiety levels, personality features, and lifestyle. Social determinants consist of cultural views, family relationships, and support systems.
Health psychology focuses on promoting health as well as the prevention and treatment of disease and illness through an understanding of how people react, cope, and recover from illness.
The practice of using health psychology principles significantly improves the likelihood of successfully quitting any addiction. Health psychology can help people become more physically fit, assist with decreasing chronic pain, improve the quality of life with those diagnosed with a terminal illness, prevent further complications of any serious physical ailment ,and assist in learning new ways to cope with the tensions and transitions that govern everyday life. Most medications alone will not provide the positive results necessary for people to achieve maximum health.
The world of health psychology is changing lives one day at a time and with some expert guidance and support, people can experience the healthy, vibrant life that they desire, and all it takes is unlocking the secrets of the brain, the body, the mind, and behavior.
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, you might want to consider consulting a health psychologist. Call 512-347-8100 to speak with one today.